Mass Wisteria: Band Launch

Mass Wisteria
The Nation Two
@ The legendary Grace Emily Hotel
Free entry!
Hello friends,
Mass Wisteria is thrilled to invite you to the launch of our new band! This project has been a long time coming. Over the past few decades, each of us has played in different bands, but now the music gods have brought us together.
Rekindling our love for music has been a fun journey, and we can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on.
We’re also delighted to have our old mate Dougie joining the lineup with his band The Nation Two. He’s been a part of our musical journey for years and, without a doubt, gives the best man hugs around.

Event Details
Dates: November 23, 2024
Genre: Indie
Start time: 19:00

Price: FREE

November 23, 2024 7.00pm

Grace Emily

Price: FREE


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